Friday, October 31, 2008

Coach Feedback

As usual, we have to answer the Coach Feedback Survey. I wasn't able to answer that one last month because of my week-long suspension which also happened to fall on the last week of September. When was the last time I answered the survey? Hmmmmmm....I can't remember.

There were several items to answer. While 1 is the highest score I can give my coach, I mostly gave a 2. Well there are 3 items I give a 1 on, first is for making me feel comfortable opening my personal problems; second, for my work problems and third for lending me money...No just kidding...

There were also about 4 items I gave a rating of 4 (very seldom) which would be for being objective in giving me feedback...coz personally, I see it that my Coach is quite holding it back when giving credits is due. I just don't know if it has something to do with his age being by far junior to me, 34 turning 35 as oppose to his 25. What I'm dreaming of is that he can be a bit objective and put into consideration that he is by far well-trained than I am as he has stayed for more than five with the company as opposed to my 2 years. Also, I can't find the urgency in him in sending the winpop everytime agents get a compliment........

Well these things can be worked out and I hope that the survey would be a very good tool for them to consider the areas that they need to work on. Lest the survey would be treated as an opportunity to glorify themselves, I have to give an honest, maybe painful feedback to the coach concerned.


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